Common Avoidant Attachment Triggers

This is not an exhaustive list.

What is a Trigger?

  • Triggers are some sort of stimuli (words, people, objects, scents, situations, songs, movies, etc.) that remind you of the traumatic event which trigger re-experiencing the event through symptoms such as:

    • Nightmares

    • Stress

    • Overwhelming thoughts

    • Heart racing

    • Sweating

    • Shaking

    • Panic

    • And more

Avoidant Attachment Triggers Can Include

  • When you feel like someone is emotionally demanding/needy

  • When you feel like someone wants to spend constant time with you to talk/do things

  • When someone needs consistent reassurance and validation  from you

  • When someone moves too quickly/fast for you

  • When someone texts/emails/calls/communicates with you consistently

  • When someone touches you physically (hugs, hand holding, etc.)

  • When someone forces you to do something you don’t want to do

  • When someone “confronts” you

  • When someone criticizes you

  • When someone tells you what to do

  • When someone doesn’t respect your boundaries

  • When someone gives you a compliment you find difficult to accept

  • When someone gives you a gift and you find it difficult to accept it

  • When someone comes to your home/apartment/room/living space

  • When there are major conflict and disagreements

  • When someone forces you to talk about something you don’t want to talk about (aggressive communication)

  • When someone is more spontaneous than you are due to wanting structure/a plan/control/etc.

  • When your fear of intimacy arises

  • When you feel like you’re getting too close to someone (lack of control and sense of agency)

  • When you begin to truly like someone

  • When you feel overwhelmed emotionally

  • When you have more stressors outside of your control (lack of control)

  • When your current coping tools/skills aren’t as effective/helpful in alleviating your stress and overwhelm

  • When you feel pressured to do something

  • When you feel like someone will reject or abandon you

  • When you feel unsafe

  • When you feel scared

  • When you feel mistrustful

  • When you feel high levels of anxiety

  • Lack of space

  • Sex

  • Physical touch

  • Surprises

  • Receiving gifts

  • Receiving compliments

  • And more


Tips Toward Building Self Compassion For Trauma Survivors


Tips On How To Support Someone With Avoidant Attachment